A. make other people to consider your point of view B. get people to agree with you and do what you want C. exercise power over other people D. make your opinions known to others 参考答案:A 答案解析:答案可以从文章第二段推出。
A. the skies over Mozambique have been too busy B. malaria has risen sharply C. medical services have not been available D. medical staff is not enough 参考答案:B 答案解析:听懂关键句“The World Health Organization has warned that malaria has risen sharply after the flooding.”。
第15题: [填空题]命令LEN("THIS IS MY BOOK")的结果是 【7】 。 参考答案:O 答案解析:[知识点] 常用函数:字符处理函数,数值计算函数,日期时间函数,数据类型转换函数,测试函数
[评析] 求字符串长度函数
第32题:[单选题]95 One LTM device in an HA pair of LTM devices is unable to reach its default gateway. An HA Failover event needs to happen. Which configuration item enables this behavior? A.iRule B.Gateway Fail Safe C.Gateway pool monitor D.Gateway pool 参考答案:B
第33题: [多项选择]下列属于性早熟的情况有() A. 男性10岁以前出现第二性征 B. 女性8岁以前出现第二性征 C. 男性9岁以前出现第二性征 D. 女性10岁以前出现月经 E. 女性11岁以前出现月经 参考答案:B, C, D
第35题: [单项选择]惊厥性全身性癫痫持续状态静脉注射苯妥英钠时,每1~2分钟注射速度最多不应大于() A. 10mg B. 20mg C. 50mg D. 70mg E. 100mg 参考答案:C 答案解析:惊厥性全身性癫痫持续状态应用苯妥英钠为0.3~0.6g加入生理盐水500ml中静脉滴注,速度不超过50mg/min。