参考答案:Topic A: Why are fast food chains so successful throughout the world Suggested Answers Throughout the world, we see fast food restaurants such as McDonald’s, KFC flourishing. There are many reasons for their success. Among them, the major ones include: Firstly, successful marketing strategies: Advertisements and commercials on TV and other media make it appear cool and trendy to eat at their establishments to young people. They use toys and gifts tied with their meal to attract kids and their parents. Secondly, in a fast-paced modern society, fast food restaurants cater to people’ need for convenience and efficiency. Fast food restaurants also offer reliable and standardized food regardless of a restaurant’s location and size. The brands and symbols convey to customers a sense of credibility and reliability. Topic B: How do you keep fit Suggested Answers A healthy body is important to every one. There are several ways to keep fit and stay healthy. Having a balanced diet is essential to good health. A balanced diet means we shouId take in different kinds of nutrients, not only fat and protein, but also carbohydrates and fibers-vegetables and fruits. Regular exercise also holds the key to well-being. You can walk to your office instead of taking the bus or driving a car. You can also walk upstairs instead of taking the elevator. In addition, a positive attitude towards life contributes greatly to good health. If you look at things on the bright side and have an optimistic view towards life, you will feel happy and contented. Then you can eat well and sleep well and your body will be in excellent condition. Topic C: Do you agree with the proverb "You are what you eat" Why Suggested Answers I totally agree with the saying "You are what you eat". This saying means what you eat contribute greatly to improving or destroying your health. It is true that the food you eat has a bearing on your state of mind and health. For instance, if you take in too much animal fat, you are likely to have hypertension and heart disease. Conversely, if you have a balanced diet and take in enough nutrition and fibers, you are less likely to have heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. If you can stay in good shape, you are better able to withstand pressure and stress, which can contribute to a healthy mind. 第22题:[单选题]一条环形赛道前半段为上坡,后半段为下坡,上坡和下坡的长度相等,两辆车同时从赛道起点出发同向行驶,其中A车上下坡时速相等,而B车上坡时速比A车慢20%,下坡时速比A车快20%,问A车跑到第几圏时,两车再次齐头并进?( ) A.22 B.23 C.24 D.25 参考答案:D 【解析]本题属于行程问题,采用比例法求解。假设A车的速度为1,那么利用等距离平均速度公式, 可以得到B车速度为2 x0. 8 X 1.2/(0.8 + 1.2) =0. 96,VA: VB = 1:0. 96 = 25: 24,也就是说当A车行驶25圈时,B车行驶24圈,即AB再次齐头并进。所以选择D选项。 第23题: [单项选择]患者病久,反复发作,肢体关节剧痛,屈伸不利,关节肿大,僵硬,变形,肌肉萎缩,舌质紫暗,脉细涩。其治法为()。 A. 活血通络,补肾养肝 B. 补气养血,舒筋活络 C. 温阳益气,通络止痛 D. 温经散寒,祛风除湿 E. 祛风散寒,活血通络 参考答案:A 第24题:[单选题]根据《广西电网有限责任公司营销稽查监控管理细则》,轻微营销差错由()牵头组织调查处理。 A.所在单位营销稽查中心 B.所在单位营销部 C.区公司 D.南网公司 参考答案:A 第25题:[多选题]党政军民学,东西南北中,党是领导一切的。必须增强(),自觉维护党中央权威和集中统一领导,自觉在思想上政治上行动上同党中央保持高度一致。 A.政治意识 B.大局意识 C.核心意识 D.看齐意识 参考答案:ABCD 第26题: [单项选择]下列哪一种药物最常应用于治疗冠心病变异型心绞痛发作() A. α受体阻滞剂 B. β受体阻滞剂 C. 钙通道阻滞剂 D. 钙通道激动剂 E. 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂 参考答案:C 答案解析:钙通道阻滞剂可解除冠状动脉痉挛,抗血小板凝聚,改善冠脉供血和微循环灌注,为治疗变异型心绞痛的首选。 第27题:[判断题]接车进路、发车进路及接发车进路色灯信号机兼作调车信号机时,一个月白色灯光——准许越过该信号机调车。 A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:A 第28题: [单项选择]对于一般居住区,主要考虑采用()接入方式。 A. EPON技术的FTTH B. 光纤+综合接入 C. 光纤+LAN D. EPON+综合接入技术 参考答案:B 第29题:[单选题]( )根据ISM规则,应在公司和船上建立、实施包括______功能要求的安全管理体系。 A.安全和环境保护方针 B.增收节支降耗 C.海上货物运输程序 D.提高船舶营运经济效益 参考答案:A 第30题:[单选题]阐释与建构,是_______的。遍观中国思想史、美学史,“通”与“变”之间多是通过阐释与建构实现的。没有建构的阐释,是缺少思想归趋的;而不是建立在阐释基础上的建构,则是缺少根基的,是_______。当代的一些美学文艺学研究名著,都是阐释与建构互动的产物。 依次填入划横线处最恰当的一项是: A.此消彼长 本末倒置 B.一体两面 无本之木 C.相得益彰 纸上谈兵 D.齐头并进 闭门造车 参考答案:B 第一步,突破口在第二空。根据语境,横线处与“缺少根基”是并列关系,应与“缺少根基”语义相关相近。A项“本末倒置”比喻把主次、轻重的位置弄颠倒了,强调主次之间的关系,不符合语境,排除A项。B项“无本之木”指没有根的树,与“缺少根基”构成并列关系,符合语境。C项“纸上谈兵”比喻空谈理论,不能解决实际问题,也比喻空谈不能成为现实,强调理论与实际的关系,不符合语境,排除C项。D项“闭门造车”比喻不考虑客观实际情况,只凭主观想法办事,强调主观与客观脱离,不符合语境,排除D项。答案锁定B选项。 第二步,验证第一空。B项“一体两面”指一个物体具有两重性,与文段“没有建构的阐释,是缺少思想归趋的;而不是建立在阐释基础上的建构,则是缺少根基的”呼应准确。 第31题:[单选题]关于协商解除劳动合同的陈述,错误的是( )。 A.员工和企业都可以主动向对方提出解除劳动合同关系的请求 B.协议解除只要达成协议,即可即时解除,无须提前通知 C.协商解除如果是企业提出的,只须酌情支付经济补偿金 D.必须经双方平等自愿协商一致达成协议,才能解除合同 参考答案:C 协商解除是解除劳动合同诸多形式中最常见的一种形式,也是契约自由原则在劳动关系调整中的具体体现。协商解除具有以下特点:①员工和企业都可以主动向对方提出解除劳动合同关系的请求。②协议解除只要达成协议,即可即时解除,无须提前通知。③必须经双方平等自愿协商一致达成协议,才能解除合同,任何一方不能将自己的意愿强加给对方。④协商解除如果是企业提出的,须根据员工的工作年限支付经济补偿金。 第32题:[判断题] 三相一次或二次重合闸属于110kV及以下线路保护测控装置在测控方面的主要功能 A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:B 第33题:[单选题]VoLTE的主要切换技术为( ) A.软切换 B.硬切换 C.mid-SRVCC D.eSRVCC 参考答案:D 《TD-LTE百问丛书的-协议集》P202 第34题:[单选题]队列的基本队形分为几种队形 A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 参考答案:C 我来回答: 提交