第13题: [单项选择]中年女性,咳嗽、胸痛、胸闷1个月余。立位胸片示右肺边缘模糊致密影,阴影上缘位于第4前肋水平,外高内低,患侧横膈显示不清,应首先考虑 A. 右侧自发性气胸 B. 右下肺实变 C. 右下肺不张 D. 右侧大量胸腔积液 E. 右侧中等量胸腔积液 参考答案:E 答案解析:胸腔积液中游离性胸腔积液在 X线上据积液上缘分少量积液,中等量积液及大量积液,少量为液体上缘在第4肋前端以下,中等量为第4肋前端平面以上,第2肋前端平面以下。大量指达第2肋前端以上。立位胸片上,液体上
第20题: [简答题]Does it always matter if the "real world" is not being practised in the classroom Why or why not 参考答案:
The ideal language learning setting is to practise language as it is used in the real world.Since learners will have to use the foreign language in real communication outside the classroom. However, it is not always possible to do so because classroom setting is after all different from the outside world no matter how hard we try to simulate the real-world situation. And it is not always necessary to do so. Language learning and language teaching are considered at several stages. At the drilling stage, when the focus is on language form, the"real world" situation does not have to be practised. But when the focus is on language communication and learners are engaged in communicative activities, the "real-world" situation does matter much. It is where learners learn to use the foreign language for real communication, and to use it appropriately and accurately.
第37题: [单项选择]下列哪项叙述符合PNH()。 A. 是一种遗传性血细胞膜缺陷性疾病,主要受累的是红细胞 B. 为大细胞正色素性或低色素性贫血,网织红细胞多数降低 C. 常以酸化血清溶血试验作为其筛选试验.而确诊主要靠蔗糖溶血试验 D. NAP积分值常增高 E. 常于清晨发现酱油色尿 参考答案:E