第6题: [多项选择]情景: 五月十日,星期六,多云。 上午,你正在一家商店购物,这时进来一对美国夫妇。他们要买一台电视机,但不懂汉语。你主动上去帮了他们的忙,他们终于买到了电视机,对你表示感谢。 任务:请用上面的材料不定期一篇50字左右的日记。 请用下面格式。 Saturday May 10th Cloudy 参考答案:[范文] Saturday May A0th, Cloudy I was doing some shopping this morning when an American man and his wife came into the shop. They said they wanted to buy a TV set but did not know Chinese. So I told what they said to the shop assistant and helped them to buy a TV set. They were very happy and thanked me again and again.
第7题: [单项选择]锅炉各项损失中,损失最大的是()。 A. 散热损失 B. 化学未完全燃烧损失 C. 排烟损失 D. 机械未完全燃烧热损失 参考答案:C