第12题:[单选题]Q: Why should the man run his father’s company? A. Because his father has asked him. B. Because he knows the company and has experience. C. Because he’ll make more money. D. Because he is responsible. 参考答案:B
第22题: [单项选择]( )是指采用货币作为计量单位,记录和反映企业的生产经营情况。 A. 会计主体 B. 持续经营 C. 会计分期 D. 货币计量 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 掌握 [试题解析] 本题考察重点是对“会计核算基本前提——货币计量”的掌握。货币计量是指企业在会计核算过程中采用货币为计量单位,记录、反映企业的经营情况。会计是对企业财务状况和经营