[单项选择]赵某某,女,48岁,因天气原因导致咳嗽、痰稠、痰多气喘、咽喉干痒及声音嘶哑,医生检查后给赵某某开了川贝枇杷膏,组成川贝母、枇杷叶、沙参、茯苓、化橘红、桔梗、法半夏、瓜蒌子、苦杏仁、生姜、甘草、薄荷脑、杏仁水。每日三次,每次十毫升。 川贝母中有习称"怀中抱月"的是() A. 青贝 B. 炉贝 C. 栽培品 D. 松贝 E. 山慈菇
A. They complete all their assignments. B. They study hard for his tests. C. They compete for the best seats in the class. D. They read all the books he has recommended. 参考答案:C 答案解析:本题测试对细节内容的理解和推测能力一根据女子所举的例子“The same students who fall asleep in discussion groups and seminars figh