第16题: [单项选择]不能解救有机磷农药中毒的药物是( )。 A. 阿托品 B. 东莨菪碱 C. 山莨菪碱 D. 解磷定 E. 青霉胺 参考答案:E 答案解析:有机磷农药中毒在清除毒物及对症治疗的同时,必须应用解毒药物。常用特效解毒药物有两类:(1)胆碱能神经抑制剂:如阿托品、东莨菪碱及山莨菪碱等;(2)胆碱酯酶复活剂:如解磷定、氯磷定、双复磷等。
A. Because he liked working with children. B. Because he lost his job. C. Because he hated the city. D. Because he wanted to be a farmer. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文]4-7 Interviewer: What made you take off to the country in the first place, Tom Tom: Wel