第13题: [多项选择]如果期权已经到期,则下列结论成立的有( )。 A. 时间溢价为0 B. 内在价值于到期日价值 C. 期权价值等于内在价值 D. 期权价值等于时间溢价 参考答案:A,B,C 答案解析:[解析] 期权的时间溢价是一种等待的价值,如果期权已经到期,因为不能再等待了,所以,时间溢价为0,选项A的结沦正确;内在价值的大小,取决于期权标的资产的现行市价与期权执行价格的高低,期权的到期日价值取
第14题: [单项选择]装发电机、励磁机轴瓦密封瓦的进出油管时,() A. 螺丝、法兰要考虑对地绝缘 B. 无特殊要求 C. 发电机轴瓦进出油管要对地绝缘,励磁机进出油管无特殊要求 参考答案:A
第23题: [单项选择]What was most important, according to Kofi Annan A. Getting the WHO work. B. Looking at the figures and statistics and the devastation. C. Getting the leaders speaking up. D. Discussing the issue with the WHO and the UNAIDS. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]1-5
Over the past two weeks the BBC World Service has been running an AIDS season and we’