A. To give up gambling right now. B. To work hard and win the heart of the boss. C. To have a good time and get relaxed. D. To study hard and read more. 参考答案:A
第13题: [单项选择]Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. Applying for a work experience. B. Applying for a part-time job. C. Taking an exam. D. Visiting an old friend. 参考答案:A
第23题: [单项选择]门3秒内未解锁必要前提是()。 A. 门驱动电机启动(开门方向)且门锁闭开关指明门关到位且锁到位 B. 门驱动电机启动(开门方向),当在3秒钟后,锁闭开关依然指明门锁闭,且门位置传感器检测不到门运动 C. 开门方向上,门位置传感器检测到门正常运动且门锁闭开关指明门未关到位和锁到位 D. 检查门驱动机构的自由运动、门的调节、安全继电器的功能和EDCU的输出电路 参考答案:A