第7题: [单项选择]Predators are ______. A. able to prey even when they are in deep dream sleep B. more likely to experience dream sleep C. incapable of preying when immobilized by dreamless sleep D. good at preying on stupid animals 参考答案:B 答案解析:这道细节题的主要依据在第二段。A项的内容与“In dream sleep,the animal is powerfully immobilized and remarkably unresponsiv
第9题:[判断题]. (判断题,)An aspect of pragmatic nationalism is the tendency to aggressively court FDI believed to be in the national interest by, for example, offering subsidies to foreign MNEs in the form of tax breaks or grants. A.正确 B.错误 参考答案:A Learning Objective: 08.-03. Understand how political ideology shapes a government's attitudes toward FDI
A. Their names, telephone numbers and special skills. B. The names and addresses of friends who can help. C. The names of the plays they have been in before. D. Their names and addresses and job history. 参考答案:A 答案解析:原文中有“you could put your names,phone numbers,and times you will be available we'd appreciate it If yo
第25题: [不定项选择]患儿,男,7岁,5天前开始发热,咳嗽,近2天尿少、水肿。体检:体温37.8℃,眼睑及下肢水肿,咽部充血,血压90/60mmHg,心肺正常,尿常规:尿蛋白(++),红细胞5~8个/HP,生化检查结果未回。入院后第3天该患儿血压150/100mmHg,水肿加重,尿量明显减少,呼吸困难不能平卧,心率140次/min,心音低钝,肝肋下2cm,X线胸片:肺纹理增强。该患儿可能出现() A. 肺炎、心衰 B. 肾衰竭 C. 循环充血 D. 支气管炎 E. 高血压脑病 参考答案:C
第26题: [单项选择]心包炎发生压塞综合征时最快解除压塞的措施是() A. 大剂量使用激素 B. 大剂量使用抗生素 C. 大剂量使用利尿药 D. 心包穿刺 E. 应用血管扩张药 参考答案:D 答案解析:心包穿刺可直接将心包积液抽出,即刻可减轻心包腔内的压力,解除压塞,使心脏能接受到足够的血容量,迅速解除心脏压塞。静脉滴注激素对在应用有效抗生素的前提下,可加快积液的吸收;对细菌性的心包炎积液,应用抗生