为确诊简便、准确的检查是 A. 血HCG B. 宫腔镜 C. B超 D. 腹平片 E. 子宫造影 参考答案:C 答案解析:人流术后1周一般出血应该停止,该患者出血突然增多,无感染征象,查子宫稍大稍软,且宫口有活动出血,首先应考虑吸宫不全。子宫穿孔或羊水栓塞应该在手术时突然发生,故不予考虑。B超为简便、快速、无创的确诊方法
第27题:[单选题] The stock market is important because A. it is where interest rates are determined. B. it is the most widely followed financial market in the United States. C. it is where foreign exchange rates are determined. D. all of the above. 参考答案:B