第5题:[单选题]在PowerPoint 2003中,下面说法错误的是______。 A. 幻灯片上动画对象的出现顺序不能随意修改 B. 动画对象在播放之后可以再添加效果(如改变颜色等) C. 可以在演示文稿中添加超级链接,然后用它跳转到不同的位置 D. 创建超级链接时,起点可以是任何文本或对象 参考答案:A 所属章节:[演示文稿]
第14题: [单项选择]Why light in color is important to large animals in deserts A. It helped them maintain a constant normal body temperature. B. It reflects rather than absorbs the sun-light. C. It helps them see their peers at night. D. It keeps them keep cool during the night. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 根据第二段第二句“One adaptation is to be light in color,and to reflect rather than absorb the sun's ray