[单项选择]In this passage the author briefly describes ______. A. the different seasonal changes B. the effects of climatic change on msn and beasts C. the Gobi as a terrible place to live in D. the seasonal cycle of the Gobi
第7题: [单项选择]激光小梁成形术的主要作用原理是() A. 使小梁网向前房内收缩,网眼开放 B. 击穿小梁网,使房水外流通畅 C. 光凝房角,让房水向后流入脉络膜 D. 光凝小梁网,使房角开放 E. 减少房水分泌 参考答案:A 答案解析:氩激光小梁成形术治疗开角型青光眼,激光烧灼处收缩,使其余的小梁网间隙增宽,从而增加房水的排出。