参考答案:Dear friends, I am Li Hua.I will soon graduate from the university and I have made up my mind to go to England to further my education.Before going to England,I hope to find a language partner to practice my oral English.And a foreign student whose native language is English as my partner is preferred.It is better that he or she has some teaching experience,so that l can learn some other knowledge while practicing English. In return,I can teach him or her Chinese.I have a lot of Chinese learning and teaching experience. I hope that we can exchange experience and learn from each other. Early reply is appreciated. Yours, Li Hua 答案解析:写作指导 这是一篇征友短文。写这种文体时,首先要注意格式,格式—定要规范;然后要注意语气,语气要礼貌和诚恳;最后要注意态度,态度要真诚,目的要明确。
第17题: [单项选择]行政指导,是指国家行政机关在其所管辖事物的范围内,对于特定的公民、企业、社会团体等,通过制定诱导性法规、政策、计划等规范性文件以及采用具体的示范、建议、劝告、鼓励、提倡、限制等非强制性方式并辅之以利益诱导促使相对人自愿做出或不做出某种行为,以实现一定行政目的的行为。 下列属于行政指导的是( )。 A. 计划生育 B. 抑制物价暴涨 C. 禁止在公共场合吸烟 D. 交通规则 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 本题考查的是如何认定“行政指导”。注意其执行手段是“通过制定诱导性法规、政策、计划等规范性文件以及采用具体的示范、建议、劝告、鼓励、提倡、限制等非强制性方式并辅之以利益诱导”,并没有强制执行