第7题: [单项选择]{{B}} Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} A. She let the man use her books for the weekend. B. She brought the books the man asked for. C. She borrowed the books from the man. D. She offered to help the man. 参考答案:C
第13题: [单项选择]男,65岁。左舌缘溃疡2个月余不愈合,为明确诊断需先进行活检,此时切取活检组织的部位最好是溃疡的()。 A. 表面渗出物 B. 边缘与正常组织交界处 C. 边缘处 D. 深层组织 E. 表面组织 参考答案:B 答案解析:为明确肿瘤的诊断,当肿瘤位置表浅或有溃疡时,最好在肿瘤的边缘与正常组织交界处切除一块楔形组织送病理检查,因此正确答案应为B。而选择A、D和E,则有可能因取到肿瘤的坏死部位作出错误的病理诊断。