第17题: [单项选择]For visitors (whose) time is limited (and are unable) to learn the history and examine the building in detail (on) the spot, it is suggested that the following plan of a journey (be followed). A. whose B. and are unable C. on D. be followed 参考答案:B 答案解析:改为and who are unable,因为unable的主语是visitors,而非前面的time,故应用新的关系词。
第36题: [单项选择]出现柏油样便消化道出血至少达 A. "铅管"征 B. "鹅卵石"征 C. "鸟嘴"征 D. "杯口"征 E. 充盈缺损 参考答案:C
第37题: [单项选择]具有平肝息风作用的药物是() A. 天麻 B. 杜仲 C. 山药 D. 麻黄 E. 桑叶 参考答案:A 答案解析:平肝药及方剂,平肝息风药及方剂天麻:甘、微温。入肝经。平肝息风,镇痉止痛。本品有息风止痉作用,适用于肝风内动所致抽搐拘挛之证,用天麻-钩藤,配全蝎、川芎、白芍等;若用于破伤风,可配天南星、僵蚕、全蝎等