第16题: [单项选择]脑电活动的限局性是指() A. 仅见于一侧半球某一区域或某些区域的脑电活动 B. 遍及两侧半球全部区域,基本对称 C. 遍及两侧半球,非对称性 D. 两侧半球对应区的某种脑电活动呈同步性出现,而且在波幅、频率及波形方面两侧相似 E. 两侧半球对应区的某种脑电活动在波幅、频率及波形方面均不相同,甚至出现次数亦不同 参考答案:A
第30题: [单项选择]What does Tom mean A. He suggests that the woman go to the library. B. He suggests that the woman shouldn’t read. C. He wants to stop the noise. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文] W: The people next door to us are making so much noise. I can’t read this book. M: Why