第8题: [单项选择]某甲因犯走私毒品罪,被判处有期徒刑15年,并处没收财产。下列哪些可以作为没收财产的内容:( )。 A. 甲的个人生活用品 B. 甲为走私毒品而购买的枪支、弹药 C. 甲所居住的其父母的房屋 D. 运送毒品的汽车 参考答案:A 答案解析:[解析] 《刑法》第59条规定的没收财产是附加刑的一种,其没收范围是犯罪分子个人所有的财产。《刑法》第64条规定:“犯罪分子违法所得的一切财物,应当予以追缴或者责令退赔;对被害人的合法财产,应当及时返
第15题: [多项选择]How do you think companies should deal with a sudden decrease in the number of orders received (Why / Why not) 参考答案:Suggested answers: Candidate A: Encouragement always puts employees in a good mood. Companies should not feel panic at the moment when a sudden decrease in the number of orders received. Managers should not be depressed by it. They should work together with employees to reverse the trend. Candidate B:They must analyze the courses of failure. If it was caused by defects of the products, the managers must take positive action to remedy the situation. The products should be recalled. Tile company should refund the customers fully for their poor service.
参考答案:A 答案解析:此题为推论题。在法国人追求“new way of life”的过程,他们不得不放弃一些“old French style (女 the traditional leisurely midday mea
第25题: [单项选择]罗马法规定:在宣判前,即使证据确凿,也只能称为犯罪嫌疑人;宣判之后才可以称为罪犯。这一规定()。 A. 推动罗马法由习惯法向成文法转变 B. 体现出罗马法追求执法程序的正义 C. 确保了罗马境内全体居民权利平等 D. 表明民主是罗马法精神的本质内涵 参考答案:B 答案解析:从材料获取信息分析问题能力。材料中的“宣判前”“宣判后”提供的信息适合选项B中的程序吻合的,故选B。A、C、D均和材料无关。