第25题: [单项选择]深静脉血栓形成的最大危险是 A. 水肿 B. 肺栓塞 C. 下肢坏死 D. 患肢增粗 E. 浅静脉扩张 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 深静脉血栓易发生脱落,栓子随体循环可运行至肺部,引起肺梗死或肺栓塞,严重可致命。
第26题: [单项选择]Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. A. Insects are around long before people were. B. There are far more insects than there are humans. C. Insects lead a happier life than humans do. D. Insects are incredibly adaptable. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文] Which of the following cannot support the woman’s opinion that insects are more successful
第33题: [单项选择]在制作义齿支架前进行模型缓冲的原因是 A. 有利于义齿的取出 B. 有利于义齿的移位 C. 增强义齿的固位 D. 改善义齿的稳定性 E. 避免义齿戴入后压痛患者黏膜 参考答案:A 答案解析:在制作义齿支架前进行模型缓冲的原因是为保证卡环的坚硬部分、小连接体和基托不进入倒凹区而影响义齿的就位和取出。