As the pace of life continues to increase./we are fast losing the art of relaxation./Once you are in the habit of rushing through life./it is hard to slow down. /But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body./Stress is a natural part of everyday life. /In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be./A certain 3motmt of stress is vital to provide motivation./It is only when the stress gets out of control/that it can lead to poor performance./The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual./Some people are not afraid of stress, /others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties./Since we cannot remove stress from our lives. /we need to find ways to deal with it./ [听音关键] 根据短文关键词losing the art, of relaxation(失去放松的艺术).in the habit of rushing through life (习惯于来去匆匆的生活),hard to slow down(难以放慢生活的步伐),以及文中多次出现的stress(压 力)一词,可知短文大意是有关压力产生的原因及其表现。 [听写难点] 这篇听写的难度总的来说不大,难度主要来自下列难同的拼写:essential必需的,基本的:motivation动机: performance表现:managerial管理的。 [画龙点睛] 由于近音同和连读的干扰,首句As the pace of life continues to increase容易误听成At the place of life continues to increase。这时就需要运川上下文语义、语法知识进行判断。短语“生活的步伐”为 pace of life,连涮as引导原因状语从句,表叫we are fast losing the art of relaxation的原因.理解了 首句的意义,就可以正确书写了。 答案解析:[解析]
As the pace of life continues to increase./we a
第7题: [单项选择]患者男性,42岁,既往体健,排暗红色血便1天,伴头晕、尿量减少。查体:体温37℃,血压70∕40mmHg,心率130次∕分,呼吸30次∕分,腹平软,中上腹压痛,移动性浊音(-),肠鸣音活跃。白细胞18.0×109∕L,中性粒细胞82%,血红蛋白110g∕L,血小板98×109∕L,血肌酐140μmol∕L。对该患者最重要的急诊治疗措施是()。 A. 注射抗生素 B. 补液扩容 C. 输单采血小板 D. 监测血糖 E. 胃镜检查 参考答案:B
第22题: [单项选择]在Word中,要改变文档中整个段落的字体,必须()。 A. 把光标移动到该段段首,然后选择“格式”’菜单中的“字体”命令 B. 选定该段落,再选择“格式”菜单中的“段落”命令 C. 选定该段落,再选择“格式”菜单中的“字体”命令 D. 选定该段落,右击左侧选定区域在弹出的快捷菜单中选择“段落”命令 参考答案:C