第3题: [简答题]从美国来的客座教授John smith要给你系学生作一个讲座。请写一则关于这个讲座的通知。通知的内容包括以下几个方面: (1)讲座的主题和主要内容; (2)讲座的时间和地点; (3)讲座的参加者; (4)要求本专业的学生讲座后留下进行讨论。 参考答案:
Professor John Smith, a visiting scholar who came to the Department of History from the United State, will give us a talk on American History at E p.m. on Monday. The lecture will be held at Academic Lecture Hall in Building C. All students of History Department will be asked to attend the lecture.
Professor John Smith is famous in the field of American History and has published several books on this topic. Please bring the notebooks with you so as you may take notes. Students of history are required to hold a discussion after the lecture. Please get to the lecture Hall A0 minutes ahead of time in order to show our respect to Professor Smith.
第28题: [单项选择]土的击实试验中,下列各项不正确的说法是() A. 土的天然含水量越大,最优含水量越大 B. 土的塑性指数越大,最优含水量越大 C. 击实功越小,最优含水量越大 D. 土的塑限越大,最优含水量越大 参考答案:A 答案解析:最优含水量主要取决于土的结构,天然含水量的改变,只引起土的状态的改变,不会改变土的最优含水量,最优含水量与天然含水量无关
第33题: [单项选择]实测均布荷载作用下简支梁的挠度时,采用下列()等效荷载图式测量值不需进行修正。 A. 二集中力三分点加载 B. 二集中力四分点加载 C. 四集中力八分点加载 D. 八集中力十六分点加载 参考答案:D 答案解析:均布荷载作用的简支梁测量一次短期加载挠度时,用二集中力三分点加载时挠度应乘以0.98的修正系数,二集中力四分点加载时挠度应乘以0.91的修正系数,四集中力八分点加载时挠度应乘以0.97的修正系数,八集