A. The book is already printed. B. A press conference is already held for it. C. All the mistakes in it have already been corrected. D. There are too many mistakes in the book. 参考答案:A 答案解析:[听力原文] It's too late to correct those mistakes; the book has already gone to press.
[题解] 本
第22题: [单项选择]蟾蜍的用量是() A. 0.002~0.004g B. 0.05~0.1g C. 0.3~0.6g D. 0.03~0.06g E. 0.015~0.03g 参考答案:E
第23题: [单项选择]下列哪种情况不适合手术切开复位() A. 粉碎性骨折,非手术治疗不能达到满意的复位 B. 关节内骨折,骨折断面超过2cm C. 骨折合并重要的血管神经损伤 D. 骨折断端有软组织嵌入,手法无法解除 E. 骨折有移位,非手术治疗不能达到解剖复位 参考答案:E 答案解析:部分骨折并不需强求解剖复位,手法复位能达到功能复位可能并无开放手术指征。