第18题: [多项选择]有关暴露和半暴露疗法,以下哪些是正确的() A. 半暴露疗法:创面无需清创,以单层抗菌纱布或人工敷料覆盖即谓之半暴露 B. 适用于某些不易包扎的部位 C. 半暴露疗法仍需要根据创面情况,定期更换敷料 D. 暴露疗法适用于浅Ⅱ度烧伤创面 E. 暴露疗法适用于肉芽创面 参考答案:B, C 答案解析:暴露和半暴露疗法,创面均需不同程度的清创。暴露疗法不适用于浅Ⅱ度烧伤创面和肉芽创面。
A. make troubles in public places B. behave indecently when they grow up C. talk to their parents in the same way as other cultures D. are particularly lacking in civility at home 参考答案:A 答案解析:细节题。最后一段的第三句提到“And foreigners are often appalled at the behavior of children,who commonly are disrup