第1题: [多项选择]肠内营养的病人发生吸入性肺炎,相关因素有() A. 喂养管移位 B. 体位不当,营养液返流 C. 胃排空延迟 D. 喂养管径太粗、质硬 E. 营养液粘稠、流速缓慢 参考答案:A, B, C, D, E 答案解析:吸入性肺炎是一种潜在致命性的并发症,它可能是由于大管径饲管损伤食管下括约肌、移位或姿势不当所致。
第5题: [单项选择]The principal intention of the author of a dime novel was to ______. A. explore a segment of American society B. promote the American political philosophy C. raise the level of intelligence of the great masses of people D. make money 参考答案:D 答案解析:根据第一段第四句中designed to fill the pockets of both author and publisher(为填满作者和出版商的口袋),由此可见a dime novel的作者