第17题: [单项选择]哪种红细胞含H抗原最多() A. A型细胞 B. B型细胞 C. O型细胞 D. A1型细胞 E. A2型细胞 参考答案:C 答案解析:抗体筛查使用混合O型红细胞。在进行ABO血型鉴定时,如怀疑血清中有抗A1抗体时,应使用A2红细胞,以避免A血型鉴定错误。O型红细胞含H抗原最多。
第28题: [单项选择]Which of the following is a reason for people' s growing interest in natural foods A. They want to return to nature. B. They want to eat all kinds of foods. C. Natural foods are very delicious. D. They are more health conscious. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[命题目的]本题考查对文章细节的理解。
[解题要点]根据题意,确定答案在第一段第一句话“people...become aware of the need to change their eatin