第4题: [单项选择]金钱草善治() A. 石淋 B. 黄疸 C. 血淋 D. 劳淋 E. 膏淋 参考答案:A 答案解析:本题考查利水渗湿药的性能特点。其中萆薢为治膏淋、白浊及湿盛带下要药。石韦为治淋证涩痛及血热出血常用,血淋、尿血尤佳。茵陈为治湿热黄疸要药。金钱草善利水通淋、排除结石,为治砂淋、石淋要药。
第32题: [简答题]A. Title: To Have a Child or Not
B. Your essay should be based on the OUTLINE below:
(1) some married couples today choose not to have children.
(2) my view and the reasons. 参考答案: 答案解析:To Have a Child or Not
one of the greatest changes in the family life of modem China is that many