第32题: [单项选择]What might happen to your company if you do business with movie studios A. You might become famous as well. B. You have to be special. C. You will do hydrcoulic work. D. You might be thrilled all the time. 参考答案:A
第36题: [多项选择]7位侧链结构中含有氨基噻唑环的是() A. 头孢吡肟 B. 头孢唑林 C. 头孢曲松 D. 头孢哌酮 E. 头孢呋辛 参考答案:A, C 答案解析:本题考查头孢类抗生素的结构特征、药物之间的结构差别及共同结构特征。头孢唑林为四氮唑环,头孢哌酮为哌嗪环,头孢呋辛为呋喃环。故本题答案应选AC。