第24题: [单项选择]According to the passage, carbon dioxide serves which of the following functions for fire ants A. (It protects the queen B. ( It attracts other ant species C. ( It informs workers of possible danger D. ( It encourages the ants to gather together 参考答案:D
第27题: [单项选择]苦燥的含义 A. 大黄苦寒,泻热通便,用于热结便秘 B. 黄连、栀子味苦,能清热泄火治火热内蕴或上攻诸证宜择 C. 苍术、厚朴味苦,能燥湿,治疗寒湿。黄柏、苦参清热燥湿,善治湿热 D. 杏仁味苦降泄肺气,治咳喘气逆必投 E. 玄参味苦,质润性寒,善解毒散结而疗肿毒结核 参考答案:C 答案解析:解析:苦燥的含义:燥湿。苍术、厚朴味苦,能燥湿,治疗寒湿。黄柏、苦参味苦,清热燥湿,善治湿热。