第18题: [单项选择]What did the speaker want to tell us in this passage A. One can benefit a lot from working with his father. B. Manual laborers shouldn’’t be looked down upon. C. One should always do his job earnestly. D. Teenagers tend to be careless. 参考答案:D
第19题: [单项选择]外阴汗腺瘤() A. 术时做冷冻切片,癌变者扩大外阴切除范围 B. 沿肿瘤根部切除 C. 有蒂肌瘤局部切除或深部肌瘤摘除 D. 小瘤无需处理,引起生活障碍者手术切除 E. 先做活组织检查,确诊后再行局部切除 参考答案:E