第16题: [单项选择]What did his father do when the speaker missed cutting some weeds A. His father scolded him severely. B. His father took back the six dollars. C. His father made him do the cutting again. D. His father cut the weeds himself. 参考答案:C
第35题: [多项选择]防汛抢险中,值班员应做好哪些工作?() A. 通知值班站长现场查看,确认险情后立即报告行调、电调; B. 安排人员关停相应区域的扶梯、电梯、相应的水阀等设备 C. 通知客运值班员、厅巡岗搬运沙袋,广播通知保安、保洁等驻站人员协助抢险 D. 将现场概况上报站长、安全管理 参考答案:A, B, C, D