第6题: [单项选择]It can be inferred from the passage that electric response audiometry would be especially recommended for ______. A. a three-year-old girl who has an earache B. an old man who cups his ear to ear C. a young child who does not talk D. a rock musician who plays the drums 参考答案:C 答案解析:[试题分析] 此题为逻辑推理题,使用演绎法。
[详细解答] 文章最后点明了"...it is specially effective in diagnosing hearing problems i
第37题: [单项选择]良好训练者安静时()。 A. 心率加快,每搏输出量增大 B. 心率减慢,每搏输出量增大 C. 心率减慢,每搏输出量减小 D. 心输出量明显增加 E. 心输出量明显减小 参考答案:B 答案解析:良好训练者由于控制心脏活动的迷走神经作用加强,安静时心率较常人缓慢,同时心脏收缩力强,使每搏输出量增大。安静时心率较慢及心搏出量因左室收缩期末容量缩小而增大,因此心输出量并不减少。