第8题: [单项选择]初孕妇30岁,妊娠34周,产前检查血压180/112mmHg,拒绝住院治疗。3小时前突然腹痛伴阴道流血,血压80/40mmHg,脉膊120次/分,宫底剑突下2指,板状腹,胎位不清,胎心音消失,宫颈未消失,最正确处理应是()。 A. 立即剖宫产终止妊娠 B. 抢救休克,滴注催产素引产 C. 人工破膜,滴注催产素引产 D. 抢救休克,因胎死宫内不急于引产 E. 抢救休克,尽快剖宫产,终止妊娠 参考答案:E
第18题: [单项选择]Which of the following conditions is realized by the turbo-charging of a previously naturally aspirated diesel engine?() A. Ignition lag increases B. Lube oil system pressure increases C. Brake specific fuel consumption increased D. Mechanical efficiency increaded 参考答案:D