第5题: [单项选择]Log in to maproute. com. ______ all your joumey details and in less than a minute you’ll get your map. A. put on B. feed in C. look up D. make for 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 短语辨析 登录maproute. com. 并输入所有与你的旅行有关的资料,不到一分钟你就会得到所需要的地图。feed in意为“输入”,B项符合题意。
第16题: [单项选择]男,38岁,因腰痛伴右下肢放射痛急性发作4天,疼痛加重而入院。查体:下腰椎旁压痛,右直腿抬高实验50°阳性,加强实验(+),小腿前外侧皮肤感觉麻木,右足背伸肌力减弱,诊断为腰椎间盘突出其压迫的神经根是()。 A. 骶1神经根 B. 腰3神经根 C. 腰5神经根 D. 腰4神经根 E. 骶2神经根 参考答案:C 答案解析:小腿前外侧皮肤感觉麻木,右足背伸肌力减弱是由于腰5神经根受压出现的症状,常由腰4~腰5椎间盘突出所致,常有脊柱侧弯畸形,一般应保守治疗3个月,要明确诊断应行MRI检查既可查看突出情况,又可排除其他疾病
第36题: [简答题]请设计一节写作课的教案,达到以下目的。 1.学生能够用英语介绍cultural relics的短文。 2.培养学生运用英语的能力。 3.引导学生形成正确对待文化遗产的态度。 参考答案:Teaching plan(one possible version): Step 1. Pre-writing 1.Ask the students to read Johann’s letter first. 2.Students choose their writing models. Step 2.While-writing 1.Students collect their ideas for the letter.Write them down in order. 2. Students begin to write their letters. 3. Choose some letters to show in the class. Step 3. Writing task 1. Students choose one cultural relic in their hometown that they think is worth saving. Write a letter to all the students of their school to encourage them to help save the cultural relic. They can use the model on Page 46 as a guide. 2. Students check the answers each other. 3. The teacher checks the answers in class. Step 4. Project Students finish the project in line with the following: ①Get together with three of your classmates and share your letters from the writing task with one another. Read each letter aloud. ②Know how to take the best idea from each letter and make an even better plan to protect a cultural relic in your hometown. Explain your reasons. ③Organize your plan step by step to get more and more students to join in the project. ④Prepare a short speech and have one member of your group tell your classmates.
第37题: [单项选择]张某,某县医院心血管科医生,其在执业活动中利用职务之便为亲属伪造诊断证明。当地卫生行政部门应给予张某的处罚是() A. 刑事处罚 B. 民事处罚 C. 暂停6个月以上1年以下执业活动 D. 暂停1年以上执业活动 E. 吊销执业证书 参考答案:C 答案解析:医师在执业活动中,未经亲自诊查、调查,签署诊断、治疗、流行病学等证明文件或有关出生、死亡等证明文件的,由县级以上地方人民政府卫生行政部门给予警告或者责令暂停6个月以上1年以下执业活动;情节严重的,吊销
第38题: [单项选择]J.Martin将建立企业模型的过程分为3个阶段,下述 Ⅰ.开发表示企业各职能范围的模型 Ⅱ.扩展模型,使它们表示企业各处理过程 Ⅲ.定义企业处理过程所需数据类 Ⅳ.继续扩展模型,使它能表示企业各处理过程 哪个不属于建立企业模型的3个阶段 A. Ⅰ B. Ⅲ C. Ⅳ D. Ⅱ 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 企业模型的建立,大致可分为三个