第7题: [单项选择]元气素虚,清阳不升,神明失养出现的气厥虚证,应首选() A. 四君子汤 B. 安宫牛黄丸 C. 通瘀煎 D. 补中益气汤 E. 四味回阳饮 参考答案:E 答案解析:气厥之虚证 证候主症:发病前有明显的情绪紧张、恐惧、疼痛或站立过久等诱发因素,发作时眩晕昏仆,面色苍白,呼吸微弱,汗出肢冷,舌淡,脉沉细微。治法:补气,回阳,醒神。代表方:生脉注射液、参附注射液、四味
第28题: [单项选择]Passage Two Questions 29 to 31 are bused on the passage you have just heard.A) Entertainment. C) Seeking physical fitness. B) Studying in a local college. D) Finding peace and quiet. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]29-31 In America, self-improvement is a national pastime. Every year, more end more Ame