第4题: [多项选择]情景: 你正在家里独自吃午饭,邮递员送来一封电报。电报是你的大学同学王红从广州发来的,上面说她要来北京出差,要你晚上7点钟去机场接她。你丈夫中午在公司吃饭,不回家。 任务: 请你用英语给你丈夫写一张50字左右的便条,告诉他: ·你下午下班后要做什么; ·他下班后应该做些什么; ·晚饭后有什么安排。 请用下面的格式。 Dear Haifeng, ... Ting 参考答案: [范文] Dear Haifeng, One of my college friends will come to Beijing on business. She is arriving at seven in the evening. After work, I’ll go to meet her at the airport. You just wait for us at home. We shall have dinner at the Lucky Restaurant together. Would you please go and get three tickets for the concert so we can go there after supper Ting