第5题: [单项选择]Panel和Applet的默认布局管理器是( )。 A. CardLayout B. FlowLayout C. BorderLayout D. GridLayout 参考答案:B 答案解析:[解析] 本题考查布局管理器的概念。这是重点题目,历次考试都有题目涉及该知识点,务必重视。CardLayout把容器分成许多层,每层只能放置一个构件。FlowLayout是Pane和 Applet默认
第6题: [单项选择]An 18-month-old child is brought to the emergency department with suspected croup. The child appears frightened and cries as the nurse approaches him. The nurse needs to assess the child's breath sounds. The best way to approach the child is to 参考答案:D 答案解析:Toddlers are naturally curious about their environment and letting them handle minor equipment is di
第27题: [单项选择]一些重要的程序语言(如C语言和Pascal语言)允许过程的递归调用。而实现递归调用中的存储分配通常用______。 A. 栈 B. 堆 C. 数组 D. 链表 参考答案:A 答案解析:[讲解] 一些较流行的程序语言允许过程的递归调用。递归调用就是过程调用本身。递归实现的是:当过程每一次执行后,都能返回到最近一次调用它的过程中。这样各调用点之间形成一种后进先出关系,而栈结构正适合来存