第27题: [多项选择]民国北京政府法律制度的根本特点是( )。 A. 封建性 B. 民主性 C. 买办性 D. 进步性 参考答案:A,C 答案解析:民国北京政府打着“中华民国”的旗号,标榜实行“民主”、“共和”,实际上却是代表地主阶级和买办阶级利益的政权,国家权力始终掌握在拥有军事实力的封建军阀手中。
参考答案:every pupil(should)be able to understand the rule of school 答案解析:(在it is important的结构中,后面的主语从句中需要用虚拟语气。类似的结构还有it is desired,it is suggested,it is requested ,it is ne
第30题: [单项选择]网络体系结构可以定义成 A. 计算机网络的实现 B. 执行计算机数据处理的软件模块 C. 建立和使用通信硬件和软件的一套规则和规范 D. 由ISO(国际标准化组织)制定的一个标准 参考答案:C 答案解析:[解析] 网络协议是计算机网络必不可少的,一个完整的计算机网络需要有一套复杂的协议集合,组织复杂的计算机网络协议的最好方式就是层次模型。而将计算机网络层次模型和各层协议的集合定义为计算机网络体系结构(
Personally, I would like to choose study independently.
reason 1
The first reason is that I prefer to think and solve problems by myself. It will make me understand the materials better without disturbance from others while I’m studying and solving problems. Besides, I feel happy no matter when I conquer difficulties by myself.
reason 2
The second reason is that, studying independently is the best way to concentrate on my weaker areas and this might not be discussed within group studies. I’d make a studying plan for myself: thus, I don’t need to waste my time on the material that I already get familiar with, and I can make full preparation for my test.
Because of these reasons above, I prefer to study independently.