第19题: [单项选择]刘女士,36岁,近半年来总是感到心烦意乱、坐卧不宁,似乎全世界的重量都压在自己肩上,明知是主观过虑却不能自控,难于安心工作,颇感苦恼,前来就诊。 目前辅以药物治疗,护士告知她:服药后需耐心等待症状缓解,该药是 A. 地西泮(安定) B. 丁螺环酮 C. 阿普唑仓 D. 劳拉西泮 E. 氯硝西泮 参考答案:B 答案解析:用药指导主要围绕药效发挥特点及副作用,所列药物中,仅丁螺环酮见效较慢,需几周时间,其他均属苯二氮革类,生效迅速。
第23题: [单项选择]What does the man usually do on weekends A. He likes to play guitar. B. He needs a quieter place. C. The new apartment is cheaper. D. The present apartment is too small. 参考答案:B 答案解析:[听力原文] W: Why do you plan to move to a new apartment M: It’s the noise. My present roommate p