第36题: [单项选择]{{B}}Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.{{/B}} A. The woman is the man’s boss. B. The man is the woman’s husband. C. The woman is the teacher of the child. D. The woman wants to know something about a student. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]
M: Miss Hanson, thank you for sending me this note. I’m sorry to hear Marsha is being a prob
第37题: [单项选择]患者女性,45岁,3个月前因乳腺癌行根治术,术中输血400ml,近一周出现全身多处斑疹,丘疹,检查:梅毒螺旋体特异性抗体阳性,HIV抗体阴性,最有效的治疗方式是()。 A. 鸡尾酒疗法 B. 大剂量青霉素 C. 氯喹 D. 干扰素 E. 拉米夫定 参考答案:B 答案解析:本题考察考生由输血传播的梅毒潜伏期为4周~4.5个月,平均9~10周,受血者受血后不经第一期,直接进入第二期,通常表现为典型的二期梅毒疹。根据题干,较易判断该患者是输血引起的梅毒螺旋体感染,大剂量青霉