第11题: [单项选择]女性,34岁,月经增多伴发热10余天,Hb50g/L,WBC1.2×109/L,PLT0×109/L,骨髓象成熟红细胞与有核细胞比例100:1,该病人最可能的诊断是() A. 急性ITP伴缺铁性贫血 B. 急性再障 C. 急性白血病早期 D. 类白血病反应 E. 粒细胞缺乏症早期 参考答案:B
第21题: [单项选择]三度房室传导阻滞伴阿-斯综合征的首选治疗是() A. 阿托品 B. 异丙肾上腺素 C. 安装人工心脏起搏器 D. 去甲肾上腺素 E. 呼吸兴奋药 参考答案:C 答案解析:二度Ⅱ型房室传导阻滞和完全性房室传导阻滞病人,心室率缓慢,伴有血流动力学障碍,出现阿-斯综合征时,应立即按心搏骤停处理。反复发作者应及时安装人工心脏起搏器。
第28题: [单项选择]Anchor shackles should have a breaking strength that is(). A. equal to the chains they are connecting B. 25% more than the chains they are connecting C. 50% more than the chains they are connecting D. 100% more than the chains they are connecting 参考答案:A
第29题: [单项选择]Children who are described as mildly mentally mentally handicapped are often upset to hear themselves described as such, and such terms as "children with learning difficulties" are now ______. A. at large B. by use C. in vogue D. for change 参考答案:C 答案解析:in vogue流行,使用普通;at large一般,普通;by use不是习惯用法;for change也不是习惯用法,而是for a change“为了改变一下,为了换口味”。因此C是正确答案。