第12题: [单项选择]肝脏疾病() A. 紫癜伴关节腔出血 B. 紫癜伴休克或其他部位广泛严重出血 C. 紫癜伴黄疸 D. 紫癜伴发热 E. 紫癜伴严重贫血 参考答案:C 答案解析:4.DIC即弥散性血管内凝血,指在某些致病因子作用下凝血因子或血小板被激活,大量促凝物质入血,从而引起一个以凝血功能失常为主要特征的病理过程。主要临床表现为出血、休克、器官功能障碍和溶血性贫血。是许多
第40题: [单项选择]People are more likely to achieve their goal if they have someone ______. A. to choose an excited goal for them B. to find a funny process for them C. to make a plan together with them D. to make effort together with them 参考答案:D