参考答案:Topic A: Why are fast food chains so successful throughout the world Suggested Answers Throughout the world, we see fast food restaurants such as McDonald’s, KFC flourishing. There are many reasons for their success. Among them, the major ones include: Firstly, successful marketing strategies: Advertisements and commercials on TV and other media make it appear cool and trendy to eat at their establishments to young people. They use toys and gifts tied with their meal to attract kids and their parents. Secondly, in a fast-paced modern society, fast food restaurants cater to people’ need for convenience and efficiency. Fast food restaurants also offer reliable and standardized food regardless of a restaurant’s location and size. The brands and symbols convey to customers a sense of credibility and reliability. Topic B: How do you keep fit Suggested Answers A healthy body is important to every one. There are several ways to keep fit and stay healthy. Having a balanced diet is essential to good health. A balanced diet means we shouId take in different kinds of nutrients, not only fat and protein, but also carbohydrates and fibers-vegetables and fruits. Regular exercise also holds the key to well-being. You can walk to your office instead of taking the bus or driving a car. You can also walk upstairs instead of taking the elevator. In addition, a positive attitude towards life contributes greatly to good health. If you look at things on the bright side and have an optimistic view towards life, you will feel happy and contented. Then you can eat well and sleep well and your body will be in excellent condition. Topic C: Do you agree with the proverb "You are what you eat" Why Suggested Answers I totally agree with the saying "You are what you eat". This saying means what you eat contribute greatly to improving or destroying your health. It is true that the food you eat has a bearing on your state of mind and health. For instance, if you take in too much animal fat, you are likely to have hypertension and heart disease. Conversely, if you have a balanced diet and take in enough nutrition and fibers, you are less likely to have heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. If you can stay in good shape, you are better able to withstand pressure and stress, which can contribute to a healthy mind. 第27题: [单项选择]使用()可以创建可重用的动画片段。 A. 影片剪辑元件 B. 按钮元件 C. 图形元件 D. 动作元件 参考答案:A 第28题:[单选题]A.立即刮宫 A.卧床休息 B.观察,无特殊处理 C.抗生素 D.先用雌激素后做刮宫术 E.停经50天,伴月经量出血1周,下腹痛1天,触诊子宫7周大小,宫口开 参考答案:A 第29题: [多项选择]以下()是导爆索的外观和性能特点。 A. 普通导爆索以黑索金为药芯 B. 外观为土黄色的外层纸 C. 外径一般为5.2-6.2毫米 D. 爆速通常为每秒1米 参考答案:A, B, C 第30题:[单选题]解决冲突的方法不包括()。 A.协商解决 B.仲裁解决 C.暴力解决 D.权威解决 参考答案:C 第31题:[单选题]非全日制用工,是指以小时计酬为主,劳动者在同一用人单位一般平均每日工作时间不超过( )小时,每周工作时间累计不超过()小时的用工形式。 A.A.四 二十四 B.B.四 二十八 C.C.六 二十四 D.D.六 二十八 参考答案:A 第32题:[单选题] 在Photoshop中,( )命令能将图像中的颜色替换成选择后的颜色。 A.可选颜色 B.色调均化 C.替换颜色 D.匹配颜色 参考答案:C 第33题:[单选题]根据《国家电网公司基层党支部专题组织生活会管理办法》(国家电网党〔2017〕100号),建立健全专题组织生活会档案资料,会议相关请示报告、学习记录、会议记录、对照检查材料、整改落实方案等,由()负责及时归档。 A.上级党组织 B.基层党支部 C.党委党建部 D.党委组织部 参考答案:B 第34题:[多选题](2016年考题)下列自动喷水灭火系统中,采用闭式喷头的有()。 A.自动喷水湿式灭火系统 B.自动喷水干湿两用灭火系统 C.自动喷水雨淋灭火系统 D.自动喷水预作用灭火系统 A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E 参考答案:AD 本题考查的是喷水灭火系统。自动喷水湿式灭火系统由闭式喷头、水流指示器、湿式自动报警阀组、控制阀及管路系统组成。自动喷水预作用系统由火灾探测系统、闭式喷头、预作用阀、充气设备和充以有压或无压气体的钢管等组成。 第35题: [单项选择]投标人或者其他利害关系人对依法必须进行招标的项目的评标结果有异议的,应当在()提出。 A. 开标现场 B. 评标现场 C. 中标候选人公示期间 D. 中标通知书发出后 参考答案:C 我来回答: 提交