第6题: [单项选择]在我国四川阿坝州的多发一种以四肢关节软骨和骺板软骨营养不良性变性、坏死,继之增生、修复为主要病理改变的疾病。这种疾病进展缓慢,早期即可见到手指末节粗大如鹅头状,并向掌侧弯曲。随着病情进展,关节增粗、变形,肌肉萎缩等改变出现于指间关节、足趾、踝、腕、掌指关节等处;中期可发展至肘、膝关节;晚期累及肩关节、髋关节及脊柱关节。 产生这种疾病的原因不包括下列哪一项 A. 土壤中硒含量过低 B. 粮食中硒含量过低 C. 环境中硒含量过高 D. 真菌毒素中毒 E. 饮水中有机物中毒 参考答案:C
第37题: [单项选择]According to the author, three design types of previous researches are ______. A. interrelated to one another B. supplementary to one another C. to be modified considerably D. to be integrated into one design 参考答案:D 答案解析:[解析] 题干中的关键词previous researches出现在文章第四段首句,three design types即该段末句中提到的social background study, family