第8题: [填空题]A a salary increase B a change in internal budgets C a move to new premises D a new computer system E the introduction of a social programme F the loss of a contract G a change of management H a new clerk______ 参考答案:E 答案解析:[听力原文] Man: I’m looking forward to it. I know we see each other every day and it’ll be the same o
第14题: [多项选择]预制构件混凝土强度试样应在工厂或浇筑地点随机抽取取样的频率和数量符合要求的是() A. 每100盘,但不超过100m3混凝土,取样次数不应少于一次 B. 每一工作班组拌制的同配合比混凝土,不足100盘和100m3时,取样次数不应少于两次 C. 当一次连续浇筑的同配合比混凝土超过但不超过1000m3时,每200m3取样不应少于一 D. 对房屋建筑,同一楼层、同一配合比的预制构件混凝土,取样不应少于三次 E. 在工厂抽样合格的产品到建筑地点可不进行检查 参考答案:A, C
第18题: [单项选择]A) Tom has never used a computer. B) Tom can work better without a computer. C) Tom is working with a computer, D) Tom needs a computer for his homework. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[听力原文] W:Tom,have you finished your homework M:No,I can’t do it without a computer. Q:What