[单项选择]William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, ______ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of choice in religion. A. peculiarly B. indifferently C. vigorously D. inevitably
第11题: [单项选择]调整产业结构、转变增长方式的中心环节是( )。 A. 加快发展先进制造业 B. 增强自主创新能力 C. 加快国民经济信息化 D. 加强人才队伍建设 参考答案:B
第12题: [简答题]另一个文化差异是中国人传统上爱面子、讲形式、重礼貌。在对比美国人待人接物时,他们并不经常谈论丢脸、得脸、赏脸的事。美国人关心名誉,他们的确想到了“体面”,并使别人“显得体面”。无论如何,在日常交往上,他们更注重实质方面,而不介意一个特殊行动将使某人丢脸或得脸。像个人身份地位这样的问题,在中国之所以重要是因为他想的是面子,但美国人则认为面子不如实质那么重要。 参考答案:Another cultural difference has to do with the much greater emphasis that Chinese people have traditionally placed on face,on form and on being polite.Americans,in contrast,in their daily interaction,do not often talk about losing face,gaining face,or giving face.Americans are concerned about reputations and they do think about "looking good" and making others "look good".However.in daily interaction they tend to focus more on the substance of it and not on whether or not a particular action will result in someone losing or gaining face.Such issues as personal status,which are important in Chinese concepts of face.are less important to Americans and less likely to enter their minds when thinking about substantive matters.
第18题: [单项选择]王先生需要购买一套商品住宅,但他没有时间去寻找适合自己的房源,于是找到汇通房地产经济公司。汇通房地产经济公司在听取了王先生的要求后,答应帮其找合适的房源,并签订了经纪合同。经过6天时间,汇通房地产经济公司经纪人李小姐从宏达房地产开发公司在建住宅项目中找到了适合王先生的房源,宏达房地产开发公司对该房的报价是总价款20万元,首付30%的房款,余款提供20年的抵押贷款,年贷款利率为6%。 当前我国房地产买卖居间业务以( )买卖居间业务为主。 A. 新建商品房现房 B. 新建商品厉期厉 C. 二手房 D. 土地使用权 参考答案:C