A. The smell of the food. B. The quality of the food. C. The distance of the food. D. The amount of the food. 参考答案:C 答案解析:[听力原文]11-13 Bees are very small animals which fly through the air to look for flowers for foo
第13题: [单项选择](17~18题共用题干)
患者,女性,39岁,体检发现左乳肿块一周入院。查左乳肿块1.0cm×2.0cm,质硬,活动度差,无红肿、压痛,左锁骨上窝触及一1.5cm×1.5cm大小结节,质地中等,无压痛。欲确定肿块性质,以下何种检查方法最为可靠 A. 钼靶X片 B. 超声 C. MRI或CT D. 细针穿刺细胞学检查 E. 活组织切片 参考答案:A