第6题: [单项选择]护士为白血病化疗患者采取的护理措施,正确的是()。 A. 化疗病室定期消毒,室温在24℃左右 B. 白血病患儿可与其他病种患儿同室居住 C. 为保持清洁,指导患者每天挖鼻孔 D. 常温下药物配制到使用,不超过1小时 E. 静脉注射若药物漏出,用温水热敷 参考答案:D 答案解析:化疗可致造血系统受抑,血白细胞计数减少,患者易发生感染,应限制会客;化疗药渗出时,忌热敷,防加重局部药物损害。
第15题: [简答题]You happen to finds wallet containing 800 yuan in the university library. The address of the owner is in the wallet, too. Write to the owner, suggesting ways to return it to him. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy.