第12题:[单选题]The newspaper did not mention the degree of the damage caused by the fire. A.range B.level C.extent D.quantity 参考答案:C 句意:报纸没有提及大火造成的破坏程度。range:范围,level:水平,等级,extent:程度,最符合题意,quantity:数量。
第14题: [单项选择]关于骨盆外测量哪项正确() A. 骶耻外径指耻骨联合上缘至第5腰椎棘突上 B. 骶耻外径正常值为20~22cm C. 坐骨结节间径为两坐骨结节外侧缘的距离 D. 对角径为耻骨联合下缘至骶岬上缘中点的距离 E. 对角径即为骨盆的真结合径 参考答案:D 答案解析:对角径为耻骨联合下缘至骶岬上缘中点的距离。
第29题: [填空题]Through all his life he has made efforts to __________________(增进两国间的相互了解). 参考答案:promote the mutual understanding between the two countries 答案解析:考查点:①“增进了解”promote understanding。