[单项选择]患者,男性,27岁。3个月前感冒后出现双下肢无力,右肢明显,伴有肢体麻木,1周后尿潴留,大便干燥。查体:右下肢肌力3级,左下肢肌力4级,肌张力低,双侧Babinski征阳性,胸10以下针刺觉减退,双髋以下音叉震动觉减退。腰穿检查压力110mmH2O,奎肯试验提示蛛网膜下腔通畅,细胞数0,蛋白35mg/dl,糖3.6mmol/L,氯化物123mmol/L。最可能的诊断是() A. 脊髓血管畸形 B. 脊髓胶质瘤 C. 脊髓压迫症 D. 脊髓炎 E. 亚急性联合变性
第8题: [单项选择]When (imaginable) scientists (first) suggested the possibility that one person (could speak) directly to another (over) a long distance, few people took them seriously. A. imaginable B. first C. could speak D. over 参考答案:A 答案解析:改为imaginative。本句要表达的是“富于想象力的科学家”。imaginative富于想象力的。imaginable可想象的,想象得到的。
第38题:[单选题]John complained to the bookseller that there were several pages?in the dictionary. A.lacking B.losing C.missing D.dropping 参考答案:C 【考情点拨】考查形容词词义辨析。