[单项选择]Babies might mistrust the world if ______. A. they did not receive food when they were hungry B. they mastered their body movements too quickly C. someone came too close to them D. they saw an object disappear
第5题: [单项选择]男,78岁,左下肢深静脉血栓病.准备行非手术治疗,下列哪项措施是错误的 A. 卧床休息10天左右,抬高患肢 B. 抗凝治疗,使用肝素和华法令维持2个月左右 C. 卧床休息1周后,可给予尿激酶溶栓治疗 D. 使用右旋糖酐、潘生丁等进行祛聚治疗 E. 起床活动时,穿弹力袜或用弹力绷带 参考答案:C
第9题: [单项选择]The speaker believes that a practical solution to the problem of starvation is to remove obstacles to adequate supply of food rather than to increase production of it. A. True B. False 参考答案:A 答案解析: Hunger is not caused by a global scarcity of food. The world can easily produce enough to feed eve